The Cloetta store in Ljungsbro
The Cloetta store in Ljungsbro

The Cloetta store in Ljungsbro

Are you looking for a candy experience out of the ordinary? Then we can warmly recommend a visit to Cloetta's store in Ljungsbro!

Product description

Experience the feeling of choosing and picking from the wide range that includes all products from Cloetta's most loved brands - but also some completely new taste experiences that can not be found in ordinary stores. The large candy store next to the Cloetta factory in Ljungsbro is a perfect destination for the whole family.

If you happen to pass Linköping, there is also a Cloetta store in Gamla Linköping.

Warm welcome!

  • Street address
    Cloettabutiken Ljungsbro
  • Postal code
  • City (address)
  • Opening hours
    Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
    Saturday: 10am - 3pm