Save Sweden’s most extensive allée of trees
Help save the Construction of the Millennium
In 2000, the Göta Canal was named “Swedish Construction of the Millennium” and the beautiful allée is an important part of this treasured construction. The 16,000 trees alongside the Göta Canal are not only beautiful, their roots also support the canal bank, preventing it from collapsing into the canal. Sadly, many of the trees that are dying and in need of your help.
Becoming a tree sponsor means that you are actively participating in the preservation of Swedish cultural heritage, whilst also contributing to a better environment. A tree along the Göta Canal is an excellent keepsake for christenings and birthdays, or to honour the memory of a loved one. The tree will be a memory, growing stronger every year. Sponsorship includes a beautiful tree certificate, the name of the sponsor will be shown on sponsor’s plaques along the canal and sponsors will be invited to an annual tree planting ceremony.

Trädplanteringar 2024
Årets trädplanteringar kommer att genomföras i Töreboda på västsidan och Söderköping på östsidan. Datum för dessa kommer att publiceras inom kort. Alla som blivit trädfaddrar under året kommer att få inbjudan till plantering per e-post. Har du frågor om trädplanteringsceremonierna får du gärna höra av dig till
What is included?
- Tree certificate
A beautiful tree certificate with a personal message, signed by the Managing Director of the Göta Canal Company.
- Tree sponsor plaques
Tree sponsor plaques along the Göta Canal
Names of tree sponsors are displayed on plaques along the canal (only when sponsoring a whole tree).ÖSTERGÖTLAND
Mem - Kanalmagasinet
Söderköping - Vid slussvaktarhuset
Norsholm - Kapten Bille's Café och Vandrarhem
Berg - Gästhamnen, vandrarhemmet
Borensberg - Gästhamnen
Motala - Motala hamn, hamnmagasinet
Forsvik - Vid slussen
Wassbacken - Gästhamnen
Töreboda - Gästhamnen, södra sidan
Hajstorp - Hajstorp Övre sluss, smedjan
Lyrestad - Gästhamnen, Hamnmagasinet
Sjötorp - Café Baltzar
- Tree planting ceremony
An invitation to the annual tree planting ceremony where we plant the new trees together with family and friends

Become a tree sponsor today
A whole tree
As a tree sponsor, when you buy one more trees, you will have your name displayed on the sponsor plaques found at a number of locations along the canal, a beautiful tree certificate as well as an invitation to the annual tree planting ceremony. A tree is a lifelong memory, growing stronger with every year. It is an excellent keepsake for christenings and birthdays, or to honour the memory of a loved one.
Price: 3000 SEK/tree

Become a tree sponsor today
Share a tree
You can also sponsor part of a tree, something we call a shared sponsorship. You will have a beautiful tree certificate posted to you, as well as an invitation to the annual tree planting ceremony. Contributing to part of a tree along the Göta Canal makes a great difference to our allée. It is an excellent birthday gift, or a Christmas gift from companies to their employees.
Price: 600 SEK/share
en plats i allas hjärtan
Video: Trädplanteraren
Conny vill ge sina barn en plats att gå till när han inte längre finns. Därför är han trädfadder och planterar träd vid Göta kanal.

Läs mer
Trädalléns historia
Redan när Göta kanal var nybyggd började man plantera träd längs med flera av kanalens sträckor. Här kan du läsa mer om trädpanteringen under åren som gått sedan dess.
Rädda Sveriges längsta trädallé
Därför är träden så viktiga