Mini holiday for families by bicycle!

This is a great tour for families who want to try cycling along the Göta Canal. It’s just the right amount of cycling with plenty of fun adventures along the way!

Start the day by picking up your rental bicycles at Sjötorps cykeluthyrning. They have adult bicycles, children's bicycles in various sizes, and bicycle trailers. If you're coming from further afield, we recommend starting with lunch before you pedal eastwards.

Along the traffic-free towpath, there are several nice rest areas that are perfect for a snack or a drink stop. Hopefully, you’ll see some boats passing by to wave at while you rest your legs.

Stay in a glamping tent - or a hollowed out tree stump!

After about 9 km, you'll arrive in Norrkvarn, where Norrqvarn Hotell & Konferens offers several exciting accommodation options. How about a night in a luxurious glamping tent or inside a tree hollow?

The children's mini canal quickly becomes a favourite for both young and old. The water is 20 cm deep, and with boats to borrow, children can navigate through a miniature version of the Göta Canal. On the other side of the canal, by the lock, there’s also a 500-metre-long culture trail that tells the story of Norrkvarn. From there, you can see the culvert that carries water under the canal.

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More adventures the next day

The next day, you can wake up at your leisure and still have time for some more playtime in the mini canal before cycling back towards Sjötorp. Once there, don’t miss the Göta Canal and Maritime Museum on the upper floor of Café Baltzar von Platen, which tells the story of the Göta Canal and shipping on Lake Vänern. In the wheelhouse of one of the old ships, you can even try your hand at being a captain.

If you still have energy left, there's a playground down by the Vänern beach where you can have more fun, and if you like, you can take a dip at the small beach. If you want to stay another day, you can choose to stay in one of Kanalkrogen's cabins, at the Perssons i Backen hostel, or Pensionat Kajutan.

Grynet Grävling

A great trip for children, according to Grynet!


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