The Göta Canal Trail
Section 1: Sjötorp - Töreboda

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This section takes you from Sjötorp by Lake Vänern to Töreboda. You will follow the gravel towpath along the Göta Canal, and pass picturesque places such as Norrkvarn and Hajstorp.
Section 1 of the Göta Canal Trail starts in Sjötorp, which is the Göta Canal's gateway to Lake Vänern. Thousands of visitors come here every year because of the friendly atmosphere, and to experience boats passing through locks on the Göta Canal. To cycle towards Töreboda, you follow the gravel towpath on the south side of the canal. Once upon a time it was used by draught animals towing boats on the canal, but today it is a very good cycle path. Along the way you can make stops in Lyrestad, Norrkvarn and Hajstorp. All three are picturesque little places with a strong connection to the Göta Canal and its history. You can buy both lunch and coffee along the way, so you don't need to take a packed lunch with you.
Once you arrive in Töreboda, there will be more activity, especially in summer. There are cafes, restaurants and activities such as mini golf, kayak rental and an outdoor pool. The section ends with the ferry Lina - Sweden's smallest regular ferry. It takes you across the Göta Canal and on to section 2 of the trail.