The Göta Canal Trail
Section 5: Borensberg - Berg

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This section takes you from Borensberg to Berg's locks outside Linköping. The entire section runs on the gravel towpath, which is free of car traffic, and very suitable for families.
Section 5 of the Göta Canal trail starts in front of the Göta hotel in Borensberg. There you will also find one of the canal's two manually operated locks, and anyone who wishes to can usually help crank it. To get to Berg, you stay on the gravel towpath on the north side of the canal. You could make a first stop at the Glasbruket Café and hostel, where you may also have your first encounter with the canal sheep. They are happy to be petted, but you should not feed them, as you might give them a stomach ache.
Along the route, you cross two aqueducts, Kungs Norrby and Ljungsbro, where the canal runs in a channel over the road below. You will also pass Brunneby Musteri on the south side of the canal, so you will need to cross at the nearest bridge if you would like to stop for lunch or coffee there.
Once you arrive in Berg you will see the Göta Canal's largest lock area. Here the boats are raised or lowered almost 29 metres via two double locks and a flight of locks containing seven locks.