Service and repairs
Do you need to repair or service your boat while traveling on the Göta Canal. Here you will find companies that can help you.
Hamnmagasinet AB
Kajgatan 1
542 30 Mariestad
+46 (0)501-39 31 30
Boat accessories for sale
Mariestads Marina
Hammarsmedsgatan 25
542 35 Mariestad
+46 (0)501-39 31 40
Boats - Motors - Accessories - Service
Riwall Båt & Propellerkonsult
Slussv. 112
540 66 Sjötorp
+46 (0)501-515 25
Repairs and sales of boat motors and propellers.
Vänerns Marincenter AB
Sjöfallsvägen 21
540 66 Sjötorp
+46 (0)501-513 20
Motors, spare parts, service and repairs.
Motala Båtvarv
Fabriksgatan 26
591 37 Motala
+46 (0)141-38 18 00
Service on boats up to 30 tonnes.
Bil och Marinservice i Motala AB
Lokgatan 4
591 60 Motala
+46 (0)70-588 92 92
Complete service workshop.
Linköpings MarinMotor
Låsblecksgatan 8
589 41 Linköping
+46 (0)13-14 03 37
Boats, accessories and service.
Runi Marin
Gränsliden 3
582 74 Linköping
+46 (0)13-13 16 99
Boats, boatmotors, repairs.
LSS Harbor
Norra Oskarsgatan 51
582 75 Linköping
The harbor has a mast crane and a slipway. The slipway can handle a boat weighing up to 10 tons. The harbor offers waste disposal and septic tank emptying. You can leave your boat here for a couple of weeks during the summer (or the entire winter) if needed.
JS Marinteknik AB i Söderköping
+46 (0)70-514 21 26
Boat service.
S:t Anna Marin Service
Lagnö, Bryggviken 1
614 98 S:t Anna
+46 (0)121-513 60 or +46 (0)708-16 74 77
Try out canal life
Mini trip
- a special offer on shorter routes
We know that some only want to go a short distance on the Göta Canal. They can not go a longer distance or stay away as long as it takes to travel the entire Göta Canal. Others just want to try out the canal life and experience the locking, before deciding on a longer canal holiday. Therefore, we have developed Miniresan, the mini trip.
Miniresan costs SEK 900 incl. 3 nights in the marina, and is available during the high season on the routes:
Sjötorp - Lyrestad
Karlsborg - Vassbacken
Motala - Borensberg
Mem - Söderköping

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