Trailer ramps for you who drive your boat on a trailer
AB Göta kanalbolag has no own trailer ramps, but there are several ramps along the canal for those who need to board or pick up their boat along the way.
The ramp belongs to the Sjötorp boat club and may be used for 40 SEK. Boot available.
For information, please contact Café Baltzar, +46 70-665 07 50, cafebaltzar@gmail.com
The boat club has a cast ramp close to the canal bridge. Voluntary fee. Parking and rest area available. Boot available.
Owned by AB Göta kanalbolag. The ramp has a flat slope and the bottom conditions are long shallow with several foundations heading out towards safe water depth. Caution is requested! No fee.
Cast ramp by the Stenbryggan marina in Lake Vättern. Fee 40 SEK. Boot available. For information, please contact Hans Lindmark, +46 (0)70-605 06 26.
Motala, Lake Vättern
Tegelviken Boat club
Double ramp (jetty on both sides). Fee SEK 50.
For information, contact: info@mbktegelviken.se
Web: www.mbktegelviken.se/sv/ramp
Motala Boatyard
Motala, Lake Boren
Boren Sailing club, south of Borenshult locks, Motala. Cast ramp. Fee 40 SEK. Boot available.
Borensberg Boat club. Ramp in Motala ström. The key to the bolt is picket up at Borensbergs Järn, Hysbyvägen 9, Borensberg. +46 (0)141-400 08.
E-mail to harbor administrator: hamnfogde@rampen.se
Web: www.rampen.se
Stegeborg marina
By the entrance to the Göta Canal, east of Mem Lock
Trailer ramp, concrete. Boats up to 6.5 m/ 7 m.
Fee: SEK 60/occasion.
Payment: Card, Swish or via SMS. Instructions for payment are available at the ramp.
Parking (trailer and car) for shorter and longer periods is available nearby. The cost of parking is charged during the summer. Otherwise SEK 10/h, maximum SEK 70/24 hours
Open: March - November during daylight hours
Contact: Stegeborg guest harbour, phone 0121-420 01.
Try out canal life
Mini trip
- a special offer on shorter routes
We know that some only want to go a short distance on the Göta Canal. They can not go a longer distance or stay away as long as it takes to travel the entire Göta Canal. Others just want to try out the canal life and experience the locking, before deciding on a longer canal holiday. Therefore, we have developed Miniresan, the mini trip.
Miniresan costs SEK 950 incl. 3 nights in the marina, and is available during the high season on the routes:
Sjötorp - Lyrestad
Karlsborg - Vassbacken
Motala - Borensberg
Mem - Söderköping

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