Bridges with special opening hours
The Göta Canal bridges are opened by AB Göta kanalbolag´s lock keeper to release boat traffic. During the pre- and post-season all traffic travel in convoys and the bridges are opened according to the convoys' itinerarys. During the high season, the canal is open from 9 AM to 6 PM and the bridges are then opened continuously, adapted to the flow of boats on the canal. However, there are some exceptions you can read more about here.
The road bridges in Töreboda and Karlsborg
Open every whole and half hour* during the canal's high season, except noon, 1 PM and 4 PM on weekdays.
The last bridge opening is at 6 PM.
The E22 bridge in Söderköping
Opens every whole and half hour* during the canal's high season. On Fridays and Sundays the bridge only opens at whole hours between 3 and 6 PM. This also applies on the Thursday before Midsummer.
The last bridge opening is at 6 PM.
*Note that bridge opening can take place both before and after the set time due to traffic on the canal.
Also, remember that the closing time of the canal is not the same as the last lockage time or bridge opening. Lockage/bridge opening is not initiated if no suitable mooring can be reached before closing time.
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Good to know before your trip